Tesla Model S Brakes in Fully Self Driving Mode, Causes an 8-Vehicle Pileup!

Tesla Model S Fully Self Driving Crash

In a terribly shocking incident, a Tesla Model S brakes suddenly in Fully Self Driving mode and causes a severe accident. There have been dozens of accidents involving Tesla’s Autopilot software in recent times. Unfortunately, we are not at a point where cars are able to drive autonomously. Sure, it is possible for cars to self-drive under certain controlled environments. But doing it on every road in the world with regular traffic is too dangerous. Let us take a look at the details of this sad instance involving a Tesla Model S.

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Tesla Model S Brakes in Fully Self Driving Mode

This post comes from businessbulls.in on Instagram. It captures the entire incident on CCTV. The video records the real-time crash. The visuals show that a Model S suddenly applied braking while moving on the San Francisco Bay bridge. It was trying to change the lanes. However, the system decided to hit hard brakes. That brought the EV to a sudden halt. But the vehicles travelling behind it were not prepared for this. As a result, 8 vehicles crashed into each other at relatively high speeds.

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As per the information in the video, a total of nine persons were injured in this crash including a 2-year-old child. Also, this event caused a traffic jam on the bridge for more than an hour. In fact, the video clip shows the vehicles piling up on one another as the cars are not able to control their speeds. The driver told the authorities that he had switched on Tesla’s latest “Full Self-Driving” mode just before the car signalled left, braked, changed lanes, and stopped right in the path of oncoming traffic.

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Author’s Note

As we observe the trends in the worldwide automobile industry, we see more electric vehicle companies emerging from different parts of the globe, and they’re emphasizing the importance of autonomous driving. With the rapid increase in electronics used in modern cars, it’s clear and reasonable to consider incorporating active safety features. However, there’s not much we can do about irresponsible car owners. If they misuse these features, they not only put their own safety at risk but also endanger others on the road. Perhaps stricter laws are the only way to address such situations.