Tesla UK Buyers Get Grabbing Stick for Use at Drive Thrus

Tesla Offers Grabbing Stick to Model S and Model X Buyers in UK

Tesla does unique experiments across the international markets which could frustrate a lot of potential buyers.

In a bizarre turn of events, Tesla is offering a grabbing stick to its customers in the UK after forcing them to buy the left-hand-drive versions of its EVs. Tesla is the biggest EV maker in the world. It is solely responsible for bringing about the revolution in the electric mobility space after commencing operations over a decade ago. That is the reason why it is considered to be the poster child of the EV revolution across the globe. Today, many new players have emerged in the market to challenge the domination of the American auto giant. Nevertheless, it has stood the test of time and continues to be the leader in terms of EV sales.

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Tesla Offers Grabbing Stick with its EVs in the UK

There are many customers in the UK who were eagerly waiting for deliveries of their Tesla Model S and X for a while now. Unfortunately, Tesla decided to do away with the right-hand-drive models and introduced the left-hand-drive models even in the UK. In the meanwhile, it even cancelled the bookings of some owners. That is quite strange and questionable. In fact, it was reported that Tesla has stopped manufacturing the RHD configuration with the Model S and Model X. That is bound to leave the potential owners irritated and shocked in equal measure.

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What is interesting is the fact that the buyers who got the deliveries of their Model S and Model X in the UK recently got a grabbing stick as a part of the package called the Reacher. It is meant to grab things by the drivers from the passenger side window like parking tickets and food from the drive-thru eating joints. Essentially, it is offered to enhance accessibility. While this may sound innovative, the fact that Tesla cancelled the orders of many RHD models has left potential buyers amazed.

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Tesla Model X

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What We Think

Tesla is known for making unorthodox decisions to maximize its reach and profits. It has adopted various strategies in multiple markets to ensure that its customer base expands and its profit margins increase. This certainly looks like one such case where the production of the RHD versions of the Model S and Model X in small numbers might not make financial sense. As a result, it has quit making them. But the issues it will create for the buyers can’t be underestimated or neglected. We shall see how the customers react to this decision in times to come.