Tesla Model X Plaid-Based ‘Time Machine’ is a Fire Spitting Beast – VIDEO

Tesla Model X Plaid Fire

In this latest social media post, a Tesla Model X Plaid-based fire-breathing monster is on display. It is just fascinating to witness what aftermarket car modification houses are able to achieve with all the advancements in technology. They have access to the latest spare parts from all across the globe. As a result, the car owners are able to fulfil their every desire. This is the latest example of such a crazy customization. Here are the details.

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Tesla Model X Plaid-Based Fire Breathing Car

These unique visuals emerge from deloreanrental on Instagram. It captures a rather impressive demonstration. There is a massive equipment mounted on the back of a Tesla Model X. The aftermarket car shop has designed this special version of the EV with a fire-emitting component. As the driver gives a hard throttle input, huge flames emerge from underneath the bumper. They have even built a special exhaust setup for the fire to come out of.

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In the latter part of the video, the owner is also taking it out on the streets. Particularly during the night time, the fire looks immensely cool. It is interesting to experience how the entire system works. Unfortunately, these details are not available. Still, one could see the pipes being wrapped around the rear section of the EV. The additional exhaust elements and a huge component on the boot are also visible.

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Author’s Note

It is fascinating to witness the kind of ideas people come up with. Most of these are typical automobile enthusiasts. In countries where aftermarket modifications are legal, people often end up going for some extreme and custom updates. We can only hope that the safety of the vehicle and its passengers is not compromised in such activities. That is the only thing we would like to warn our readers about. Make sure to go only for professional and safe modifications.