No Tesla Recall Plans in Europe, Says Dutch Vehicle Authority RDW

Tesla Autopilot Recall Europe

Even after the biggest-ever Tesla recall in the USA recently, there are no such plans for Europe. This news emerges from the Dutch Vehicle Authority, RDW. It oversees safety approvals for Tesla cars in Europe. The recent recall affects close to all 2 million Tesla cars on the road in the USA. It was due to the findings of investigations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the Autopilot autonomous driving feature in Tesla cars. Let us get into the details of this news.

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No Tesla Recall Plans For Europe

The reason RDW cites for this decision is the fact that there are differences in Autopilot functions available on Tesla cars in Europe in comparison to the USA. Note that Tesla cars with Autopilot function are classified as Level 2 Autonomous Driving Level which means that these cars are partially autonomous driving machines. The total range is upto Level 5 which represents fully self-driving.

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A spokesperson for RDW mentions that there are differences in what specific features are a part of Level 2 autonomous driving in the USA and Europe, as per the UN standards. In Europe, Tesla’s steering functions are tested against UN rules and not USA rules. He further clarifies that “differences are, for example, in how the ‘drivers monitoring’ is done and the warning given to the driver when the system is abused.” For the USA market, Tesla plans to update its software with additional controls and alerts to make sure that the drivers pay attention while steering-assist functions are in use.

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Author’s Note

The recent recall emphasizes the crucial convergence of technology and safety within the automotive sector. For Tesla owners, grasping the significance of this recall is essential. Tesla’s dedication to implementing corrective actions and improving safety features sheds light on the changing dynamics of autonomous driving. It also underscores the shared responsibility between the automaker and the driver. Keep an eye out for updates as Tesla navigates through this challenging phase.