Netflix’s new post-apocalyptic thriller, “Leave the World Behind,” portrays a dramatic scene involving self-driving Teslas. The movie subtly criticizes Tesla’s ambitious claims about achieving full self-driving capability.
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Tesla Cars in a High-Stakes Pileup
In a two-minute scene, the movie captures a pileup of self-driving Teslas. This creates a tense moment as characters navigate through the chaotic aftermath. The suspenseful sequence raises questions about the safety and reliability of autonomous vehicles. In fact, in a way, it specifically targets Elon Musk’s promises regarding the self-driving capabilities.
The clip shared by Netflix on X, a platform owned by Musk, features Julia Roberts’ character approaching a line of damaged white Teslas. The camera zooms in on a placard on one of the cars, proudly displaying its “Full Self-Driving Capability.” The ominous music adds to the suspense, creating a foreboding atmosphere. Meanwhile, Roberts’ family waits in a non-Tesla car, unaware of the impending danger.
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Ethan Hawke’s Character: A Failed Warning
As Roberts examines the Teslas, her on-screen husband, played by Ethan Hawke, spots another self-driving Tesla speeding toward the existing pileup. In a futile attempt to warn the approaching vehicle, the husband realizes the imminent threat, highlighting the lack of control and communication in the autonomous driving scenario depicted in the movie.
Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, has consistently asserted the company’s progress toward achieving true full self-driving capability. However, the movie’s portrayal of a self-driving Tesla causing a pileup adds a cinematic twist to the skepticism surrounding Musk’s repeated assurances. The scene serves as a satirical comment on the challenges and potential dangers of relying on autonomous technology.
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Elon Musk Responds
Replying to the Tweet, Elon Musk tried to assert how Teslas have slim chances of going berserk. He wrote: “Teslas can charge from solar panels even if the world goes fully Mad Max and there is no more gasoline!”
Teslas can charge from solar panels even if the world goes fully Mad Max and there is no more gasoline!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 8, 2023
What We Think
“Leave the World Behind” offers a gripping narrative. It also sparks conversations about the real-world implications of autonomous vehicles. The movie’s creative take on Tesla’s self-driving claims adds a layer of intrigue to the ongoing debate around the safety and viability of fully autonomous cars.
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